Welcome to lumin.

A tailored solution to clean energy and cash-back.

Eliminate Your Debt

Our unique partnership with our solar providers allows us to offer cash-back as part of your solar financing, with rates as low as 2.99%.

Design Your System

Work with us to design a system that is both aesthetic and powerful. We’ll tailor our design to match your preferences.

Own Your Power

Escape the ever-increasing utility bill, and begin producing up to 150% of your power needs while saving tens of thousands on lifetime power expense.

Contact our team

Over 30% of U.S. CO2 emissions are from the grid.
Over 30% of the grid’s power is wasted each day.
Over 30% of Californians have already switched.

Those emissions are in the air we breathe.
That wasted energy is paid for by us.

It’s time we made our own.